Comparative assessment of red polarized halogen and led light analgesic influence.

  • С. А. Гуляр
  • З. А. Тамарова
Keywords: Red-infrared polarized LED light, halogen light, рain, BIOPTRON-compact, ECOZEPT-pro.


We compared analgesic effect of red and infrared polarized halogen and LED light (BIOPTRON and ECOZEPT devices). The work is based on the results of experimental studies performed on formalin pain model. The pain focus, created by formalin injection was characterized by combination of tonic pain and reactive infl ammation, which altered animals` behavior. Painful and non-painful behavioral responses revealed after a 10-minute light applications of BIOPTRON-compact and ECOZEPT-pro on the pain area.

Studies have shown that polarized red and infrared LED light as well as halogen light of similar origin signifi cantly reduces the pain response induced by formalin. We found out that the ECOZEPT polarized LED light applied to the pain locus is the same effective, and sometimes exceeds halogen-polarized radiation of BIOPTRON-compact device equipped with a red fi lter. At equal exposure, analgesia was 55.9 and 45.7%, respectively. This fact gives grounds to assume that a LED polarized light can be applied for pain relief at pain syndromes in humans similar to that BIOPTRON device in different versions is currently applied.


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How to Cite
Гуляр, С. А., & Тамарова, З. А. (2016). Comparative assessment of red polarized halogen and led light analgesic influence. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(1, 2), 42-48. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine