Oposeredkovana metilenovim sin m fotodinam chna naktivats ya museum that kl n chnogo штамів staphylococcus aureus

  • О. С. Радченко
  • Л. Г. Степура
  • К. І. Горбенко
  • М. Ф. Гамалія
Keywords: Photodynamic effect, photosensitizer, methylene blue, Staphylococcus aureus.


Photodynamic inactivation of Staphylococcus aureus collection and clinical strains was realized with methylene blue (6-40 µg /ml) and laser irradiation (λ=660 nm, light irradiance (energy density ?) 25 mW/сm2, exposure time 10, 20, 30 min., doses 15,3, 30,6 and 46 J/сm2, respectively). It was shown, that the bactericidal effect was not dependent on the concentration of methylene blue in range 10-40 µg/ml but it was dependent on the light dose. The optimal dose for bacterial reduction was 30.6 J/сm2. The dynamic of cells damage was the similar for examined strains and achieved 3.5-4.9 lg. It was found the difference in the damage intensity of the strains at methylene blue range 2-20 µg/ml: the maximum effect on Staphylococcus aureus АТСС 6538 was with 6 µg/ml (5.6 lg reduction) and on Staphylococcus аureus 48011 - with 10 µg/ml (4,96 lg reduction). In the presents of blood serum the photodynamic effect was reasonably blockaded.


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How to Cite
Радченко, О. С., Степура, Л. Г., Горбенко, К. І., & Гамалія, М. Ф. (2015). Oposeredkovana metilenovim sin m fotodinam chna naktivats ya museum that kl n chnogo штамів staphylococcus aureus. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(3, 4), 92-97. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/photomedicine/article/view/4619
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine

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