Antibacterial activity photodynamic therapy using various photosensitizers (study in vitro)
We investigated the effect on the antimicrobial standard E. сoli culture for 3 or 5 minutes, violet, blue, green or red LED radiation with a power of 25 mW and a power density of 3 mW/cm2 after the treatment of these crops with solutions of photosensitizers dimegina (0.35%) Photoditazin (0.5%) and methylene blue (1%). It is found that the effect of light only, or the photosensitizer alone does not suppress the growth of culture E. сoli, except for a 1% solution of methylene blue which showed independent antimicrobial effect. Growth of E. coli was observed after exposure to methylene blue-treated culture of red, green, blue and violet light, which also points to the bactericidal effect of the photosensitizer.
When using dimegina greatest antimicrobial effect given the impact of violet light with an exposure of 5 minutes. A similar result was obtained when exposed to violet light after treatment photodithazine culture. The in vitro results of experiments indicate the prospects of photodynamic therapy as an antibacterial treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.Downloads
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