Whether it is possible to consider light in a night-time as a stress factor?

  • Л. А. Бондаренко
  • Н. Н. Сотник
  • В. А. Козак
Keywords: Round-the-clock lighting, stress, adrenal glands, corticosteron.


At young pubertal male-rabbits whom contained in conditions of the round-the-clock lighting, the concentration of corticosteron in blood was defined. It is shown that light even low intensity (30-40 luxury), included in a night-time, causes increasing of the level of corticosteron in blood relative the initialvalue (100%) to 180, 175, 174 and 143% in 1, 3, 7 and 15 days respectively. This indicates sharp activation of glucocorticoid function of bark of adrenal glands, which may be consider as response of an organism to stress action. However, in 30 days after the beginning of a round-the-clock lighting, a decreasing in the concentration of corticosteron in animal’s blood was observed - as rather initial level (to 75,8% relative to it), and the earlier terms of experiment. This decreasing should be regarded as an initial stage of exhaustion of adaptational reserves of organism.

The obtained data give the reasons to consider the lighting in a night-time as a stress factor.


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How to Cite
Бондаренко, Л. А., Сотник, Н. Н., & Козак, В. А. (2015). Whether it is possible to consider light in a night-time as a stress factor?. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(3, 4), 60-63. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/photomedicine/article/view/4614
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine