The influence of led irradiation of “Barva-Flex/BIR” on the morphology of duodenal ulcers from the aspect of prevention of perforation

  • И. М. Байбеков
  • Д. Т. Пулатов
Keywords: Duodenal ulcer, morphology, LED radiation, prevention of perforation.


On the basis of a morphological study of duodenal ulcers the structural basis of their perforation was founded. The influence of LED radiation pathomorphosis of duodenal ulcers are studied. It was established that local phototherapy using the matrix device "Barva-Flex/SIK" (radiation wavelengths of 470 nm and 940 nm) increases the relative volume fraction of fibroblasts and connective tissue fibers, reduces the relative volume fraction of cell-free zones, which helps to strengthen the walls of ulcers and the prevention of perforation.


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How to Cite
Байбеков, И. М., & Пулатов, Д. Т. (2015). The influence of led irradiation of “Barva-Flex/BIR” on the morphology of duodenal ulcers from the aspect of prevention of perforation. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(3, 4), 49-53. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine