Multifactorial approach in psychophysiological correction of anxiety and depressive disorders in the treatment of patients dorsopathies

  • Н. В. Чухраев
  • А. А. Владимиров
  • В. И. Левковская
Keywords: Magneto-laser therapy, phonophoresis, singlet-oxygen therapy, psycho-physiological correction, anxiety and depressive disorders, dorsopathies.


The results of clinical studies on the use of multi-factor approach in psychophysiological correction of anxiety and depressive disorders through the use of micropolarization cortex in conjunction with intranasal breathing singlet-oxygen mixture in the treatment of patients dorsopathy based on a tiered approach with the use of ultrasound and magnetic-therapy.


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How to Cite
Чухраев, Н. В., Владимиров, А. А., & Левковская, В. И. (2015). Multifactorial approach in psychophysiological correction of anxiety and depressive disorders in the treatment of patients dorsopathies. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(3, 4), 35-39. Retrieved from
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