Children vascular anomalies management: results of photodynamic therapy

  • R. R. Sadykov
Keywords: Haemangioma, congenital and infantile, malformations, children, laser, surgery.


This study reports about the role of photodynamic therapy in management of children vascular anomalies. A 3-year (2009-2012) retrospective study on the challenges and outcome of 245 children with vascular anomalies referred for surgical management was undertaken at the Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan. After multidisciplinary discussion, all patients underwent photodynamic therapy under general anesthesia, with 5-ALA as the photosensitising agent. In a time of treatment 85 out 108 patients who presented with long-term pain reported improvement after treatment. Also, 43/46 reported significant reduction of bleeding related to their vascular anomaly. Improvement of swelling was reported by 189/199 patients; while reduction of infection episodes was evident in 61/63 patients and 176/205 reported reduction in the disfigurement caused by their pathology. Clinical assessment showed that more than half of the patients had good response to the treatment. Significant clinical response was reported by 148 (60,4%) patients, moderate result by 70 (28,6%). Radiological and ultrasound assessment comparing imaging 6-week post-PDT to the baseline showed moderate response in 78 (31,8%) patients and significant response in 122 (49,8%) patients.


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How to Cite
Sadykov, R. R. (2015). Children vascular anomalies management: results of photodynamic therapy. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 12(3, 4), 24-29. Retrieved from
Clinical photomedicine