Monotherapy of burns by the polychromatic polarized light: physiological mechanisms

  • Ю. И. Стрельченко
  • Сергей Александрович Гуляр
  • В. Н. Ельский
Keywords: Burn trauma, polarized light, PILER-light, central nervous system, hypophysis-adrenal system, immune system.


Valid experimental model of dosed burn trauma by open flame was developed with possibility of adjusting of their basic parameters. New pathogenetic links of standard burn trauma by open flame were discovered. Inflammatory characteristic of burn wound, mechanisms, intensity and course of inflammatory reaction, of granulations and epithelization were discovered and characterized. New pathogenetic positive mechanisms of polarized light influence on burn trauma regeneration were investigated. Depth of skin alteration limitation, mechanisms of inflammation limitation, fibroblasts and keratinocytes proliferation, forming of granulations and neoangiogenesis activating were discovered. The polarized (PILER) light has adaptation-stimulant influence on motivational descriptions. Also there were system anaesthetic, antistressing and general stimulant effects. The PILER-light has high ability to activate the antinociceptive system of brain with correction of process of inflammation. Hypothalamus-hypophysis-thyroid and hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal systems posttraumatic activation were observed. Disintegration of these systems was discovered. The polarized light has a normalizing influence on the posttraumatic changes of the hypothalamus-hypophysis-thyroid and hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal systems. The polarized light activate the sanogenetic mechanisms of regulation of interactions of central and peripheral links of the neuroendocrine system. Posttraumatic immunosuppression was observed. Cell and humoral links of immune system were depressed. Processes of inflammation modulation with a tendency to normalization of absolute amount of leucocytes (polymorphonuclear neutrophiles and monocytes) was registered. Phagocytic and humoral links activation with general phagocytic activity and individual phagocytic killing stimulation were registered.


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How to Cite
Стрельченко, Ю. И., Гуляр, С. А., & Ельский, В. Н. (2015). Monotherapy of burns by the polychromatic polarized light: physiological mechanisms. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 10(1, 2), 89-97. Retrieved from
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine