Microcirculation state analysis in patients with pathology of intrinosular structures with respiratory-reference disorders
Introduction. Capillary changes link are closely correlated with shifts in central hemodynamics, which
allows the use of microcirculation parameters as diagnostic and prognostic criteria for assessing the body as
a whole. The work is aimed at increasing the efficiency of detecting microcirculatory disorders by computer
capillaroscopy in patients with pathology of intranasal structures and accompanied by difficulty in nasal
breathing and smell.
Purpose: nature and severity analysis of intravital morphological changes in the microvessels of the nail
bed in patients with pathology of the intranasal structures, accompanied by impaired nasal breathing and smell.Materials and methods: We examined 145 patients aged 18–38 years who were diagnosed with changes
in intranasal structures with varying degrees of nasal obstruction and impaired sense of smell. Patients were
divided into 3 groups. The first group — patients with a disease duration of 3–5 years; the second group — patients
with a disease duration of up to 0.5 years; the third group — patients with a disease duration of up to 1 month.
Results: Patients with intranasal structures pathology in the I and III clinical groups with a duration of nasal
obstruction up to 5 years and 1 month. Changes in systemic microcirculation were significantly more frequently
observed than in patients with a disease duration of up to 0.5 years. The observed tendency to disturbance of
microcirculation in groups III and I is caused, first of all, by a change in the state of microvessels for sharp
hypoxia (these changes are consistent with rhinomanometry) and a “breakdown” of adaptation mechanisms in
the group of prolonged nasal obstruction for up to 5 years, at that time as in group II, there is an increase in the
reserve of adaptation from the cardiovascular system to the conditions of nasal obstruction.
Сonclusions: The study of microcirculation using capillaroscopy made it possible to study the smallest
vessels, capillaries, which are the first to respond to impaired nasal breathing by changing the functional state
and morphological reconstruction of the microvasculature of the bloodstream.
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