Photodynamic activity of second-generation photosensitizer fotolon (chlorin e6) and its golden nanocomposite: experiments in vitro and in vivo
In the paper, for the first time a comparative study of antitumor photodynamic activity of chlorin sensitizer Fotolon and its nanocomposite with colloid gold is carried out. On the human cell lines (T-limphocyte leukemia MT-4 and B-lymphocyte Burkitt’s lymphoma Namalwa), an intensive photodynamic effect of Fotolon and its fur- ther considerable enhancement under a complex-formation of the photosensitizer with golden nanoparticles are demonstrated. Nanocomposite Fotolon-gold induces also the photodestruction of normal lymphocytes, isolated from the blood of healthy donors, but not so pronounce as with transformed lymphocytic cells. The considerable antitumor photodynamic efficiency of Fotolon and a feasibility of its additional augmentation using the nanocom- posite Fotolon-gold were confirmed in experiments with a therapy of murine lung Lewis carcinoma in which the prolongation of animals life by 2 and 4.5 times respectively was attained, in comparison with a control group. In conclusion, a promising perspective of Fotolon applications for photodynamic therapy of tumors, especially in a form of its composite with the nanosized gold, is stated.
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