Efficacy of phototherapy with korobov’s photon matrixes in patients with polyosteoarthrosis
37 patients with polyosteoarthrosis were observed. Depending on the proposed impact on the joints on top of standard therapy patients of first group (n = 19) Korobov’s devices (infrared at a wavelength of 940 nm, and blue range, wavelength - 470 nm) were used. In the second group (n = 18) conventional physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, etc.) were used. All treatments were performed daily during 10 days. After the treatment a positive trend was observed in both groups of patients, however, a significant decrease in pain in the affected joints was noted in the first group, almost all patients, in the second - only 14, the increase volume of movement (in 12 and 9 patients respectively). In the analysis of pain by visual analogue scale (VAS) were observed more rapid pain reduction of 27% from baseline in the first group to the end of treatment, whereas in the second group - 19%, in- dicating a clear effect of phototherapy on decrease pain.
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