Spectral analysis of sphygmogram

Keywords: sphygmogram, spectral analysis, optics-electronic sensor


Actuality. The heart system executes the important role in the organism. It is important task of medicine to diagnose of the state of this system.

Electrocardiogram is the one of methods of control its state.

Cardiointervalgram is another way of study of the state of the heart system. I studies the change of rhythm of heart as reaction of organism on external influences.

Sphygmografia is the method of graphic registration of pulses vibrations of vessels, allowing to judge about their resiliently-viscid properties. The method of registration is used by a pair light-emitting diode and photo-diode. A signal, which is forming is due to the change of volume of blood in the place of indication. The most comfortable place for the location of sensor is the finger of

Purpose of work. The spectral analysis of the sphygmogram impulses gives the information about heart system. The spectrum of sphygmogram of healthy man is wider. Numeral coefficients, which are characterizing correlation high and low frequencies, are offered.

This was offered to analysis the spectrum of signal from the optical sensor, which is containing information by the of impulses and cardiountervals. These signals contain more information, than cardiointervalgram and single impulse of sfigmogram only.

Methods. The spectrums of signals from the optics-electronic sensor was analyzed by computer methods.

Results. The spectrum of cardiointervalgram contains information about the slow waves of heart work. The spectrum of sphygmogram contains information about frequency of heart work and about higher frequencies also.

Conclusion. The analysis of heart work was made by the spectrum of cardiointervalgram and on the spectrum of sphygmogram. The second method allows to obtain more information about health of man.


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How to Cite
Ши, Х., Кокодий, Н. Г., Шульга, С. Н., & Тиманюк, В. А. (2019). Spectral analysis of sphygmogram. Photobiology and Photomedicine, (26), 36-44. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-0612-2019-26-05
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine