Evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of quantum photohemotherapy red and blue light in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma

Keywords: photohemotherapy, blood rheology, optical radiation, blue light, red light


The article presents the results of application of photochemotherapy in the complex rehabilitation process of patients with bronchial asthma (hereinafter — BA). The assessment of effectiveness and impact was made on the basis of changes in indicators of blood rheology as one of the pathogenesis of this disease and based on clinical indicators of the flow BA.

It is established that in comparison with the results of the baseline treatment (42 patients) in 74 patients with BA under the influence of photochemotherapy occurs a statistically significant restoration of the altered rheological parameters and improves the clinical course of BA. The effect of optical radiation of blue and red lights on the clinical course of BA in comparison with conventional medication is more pronounced, almost the same criteria of treatment efficacy, but differ in their mechanism of effects on the body.


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How to Cite
Карандашов, В. И., Александрова, Н. П., & Островский, Е. И. (2019). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of quantum photohemotherapy red and blue light in the treatment of patients with bronchial asthma. Photobiology and Photomedicine, (26), 23-28. https://doi.org/10.26565/2076-0612-2019-26-03
Clinical photomedicine