Phototherapeutic hardware complex for rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of diseases of the human central nervous system

Keywords: phototherapy hardware complex, brain diseases, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, electromagnetic radiation of the optical range of the spectrum, LEDs, magnets


Introduction. The significant prevalence of vascular diseases of the brain, the complexity of dysfunc- tion, put the problems of their treatment, rehabilitation and prevention into the focus of attention of modern neurology. A stroke occurs in the United States every 45 seconds. Approximately 750,000 people a year suffer from a stroke in the United States. According to statistics from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, more than 110,000 primary strokes are recorded annually in the country. No less serious disease of the human central nervous system is Alzheimer’s disease. Each year, more than 500,000 Americans die from this disease, making it the third leading cause of death in the United States. Traffic accidents, local military conflicts, some sports form a very numerous specific group of patients with craniocerebral injuries.

Aim — to develop a phototherapeutic hardware complex for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of vascular, inflammatory, degenerative, post-traumatic and other brain diseases that are difficult amenable to medical treatment including pharmacoresistant indomitable pain syndromes.

Materials and methods. The low-intensity electromagnetic radiation of the optical range of the spectrum and the magnetic field of a permanent magnet are physical factors that are used in phototherapeutic complex devices.

Results. A phototherapy apparatus complex has been developed for the prevention, treatment and reha- bilitation of vascular, inflammatory, degenerative, post-traumatic and other brain diseases that are difficult to treat with drugs. The phototherapeutic hardware complex includes three devices: the modified photon-mag- netic apparatus Korobov-Posokhov “Barva-CNS/FM”, the photon-magnetic matrices A.Korobov - V.Korobov “Barva-Laryngologist/FM” and flexible photon-magnetic matrices A.Korobov - V.Korobov “Barva-Flex/24FM”. Conclusions. The presented clinical observations obtained using the developed phototherapeutic hard-ware complex for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the brain indicate high efficacy and safety of long-term low-intensity phototherapy in patients with dyscirculatory encephalopathy, with suffered ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, with hypertensive disease.


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How to Cite
KorobovА. М., Posokhov, M. F., Korobov, V. A., & Kozyr, O. V. (2018). Phototherapeutic hardware complex for rehabilitation, prevention and treatment of diseases of the human central nervous system. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 15(1(24), 75-85.
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine