Thermal processes in human skin upon irradiation by laser pulses

Keywords: irradiation by laser pulses, human skin, thermal processes


The mathematical model of the process of heating the surface of the skin and its inner layers of short laser pulses. Duration of pulses is much less then time setting temperature in the body. It is using the solution of the equation of thermal conductivity for semi-infinity of the body when it is heated by flow of the electromagnetic radiation. Heat exchange with the outside space is not happening for the duration of a pulse, so the surface of the body can be considered isolated. The body temperature is rising almost linear. After the end of the pulse it decreases slowly (thermal time constant is 20 min approximately).

By heating a series of pulses the temperature increases in the same way as by heating of continuous radiation. It is calculated the increase temperature of body by heating pulses 10 ms, am-plitude 10 W, period of 50 ms.

The average radiated power is 2 W. The temperature of body within 5 s rises to 300 °C.


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How to Cite
Kokodii, N. G., Timaniuk, V. A., & KorobovА. М. (2018). Thermal processes in human skin upon irradiation by laser pulses. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 15(1(24), 69-72.
Photobiology and experimental photomedicine