Main stages of development and modern-state-of-art of photodynamic therapy in Russia

Keywords: photodynamic therapy, stages of development it in Russia, modern-state-of-art


The article discusses main stages of 25-year development of photodynamic therapy (PDT) in Russia. It underlines that the initiator of PDT development in Russia was Academician Prof. Oleg Skobelkin, director of the Clinical and Research Center for Laser Medicine, Healthcare Ministry of Russian Federation. He united efforts of some institutions of chemical and physical profile so as to develop home-made photosensitizers (PS) and to develop laser devices for PDT application. In 1990 a group of scientists headed by prof Mironov from Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies named after Lomonosov developed the first Russian PS out of the group of hematoporphyrine derivatives — Photohem. In the State Research and Clinical Center for Laser Medicine Photohem preclinical trials had been conducted, the material and technical basis for clinical trials had been prepared, a permission from Pharmacological Committee of Russia for clinical trials had been received. After that in February, 1992, PDT was used for treating patients with recurrent and metastatic tumors which were absolutely non-perspective for traditional curative techniques.

In the last six years a number of PS of the second generation (Photosense, Alasense, Photoditazine, Rad- achlorine, etc.) have been developed in Russia; Russian laser devices for PDT and fluorescent diagnostics have been worked out too. PDT clinical application has acquired a wide-scale character. PDT is used in tumors of external and visceral locations, in early and extended pathology stages (palliative) as a component of combined and complex cancer treatment. Currently, PDT is widely used in a number of non-tumoral pathologies in oph- thalmology, gynecology, purulent surgery, dermatology, etc. PDT is used not only in institutes and research centers but also in practical medicine. The PDT course is included into educational programs for physicians’ post-diploma education. Russian scientists take an active part in international scientific meetings including those of World Photodynamic Association as well as in international research projects.

Key words: photodynamic therapy, stages of development it in Russia, modern-state-of-art.


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How to Cite
Stranadko, E. P., & Malova, T. I. (2018). Main stages of development and modern-state-of-art of photodynamic therapy in Russia. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 15(1(24), 21-27.