Phototherapy in complex treatment of wounds in patients with ischemic and neuroischemic form of diabetic syndrome
The aim of the study was to improve results of wound healing in patients with ischemic and neuroischemic forms of diabetic foot syndrome by using a combination of phototherapy, platelet-derived growth factor and modern cover materials
The results of surgical treatment of 48 patients with ischemic and neuroischemic diabetic foot syndrome, which were divided into main group (24 patients) and comparison group (24 patients). All these patients who underwent treatment in the Department of acute vascular diseases in the Clinic of the SI “Institute of General and Urgent Surgery named after V.T. Zaitsev of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” suffered from
diabetes mellitus type II and had IV degree of foot ischemia according to Fontaine. The diagnostic was performed for all patients according to a standard algorithm. Analysis of the results of clinical, laboratory, non-invasive and invasive methods of examination in the preoperative period enabled to determine the degree of disorder in blood flow, the nature of collateral circulation and microcirculation. Patients of both groups underwent femoro-tibial and femoro-popliteal bypass, as well as hybrid reconstructions. The parameters of regional hemodynamics in patients of main group and the comparison group before and after revascularization were comparable.
The patients of main group used the treatment technology developed by us. In cases of development of phlegmons of the foot after the opening of the abscess, vacuum therapy was performed for 7–14 days until the wound was completely cleaned. In the preoperative preparation complex, phototherapy was performed, according to local situation, wounds were irradiated with different wavelengths (405, 470 or 525 nm). After the wounds were cleaned, the wound defect was covered with PCL coating (Nanopharma, Czech Republic) with the application of a fibrin clot and platelet-rich plasma without fibrin, after which further local treatment was accompanied by irradiation of wounds with A. Korobov-V. Korobov photon matrices “Barva-Flex” (the wavelength of the maximum of the emission band of 660 nm). In two cases, the closure of bone defects with ILAYAOSTEOGEN® “A.A. PARTNERS” L.L.C. bone implants of medical company “ilaya” was used.
Using these tactics, allow to achieve complete wound healing in 91.7% of patients and partial healing (more than 50%) in 8.3% of patients in main group. The terms of treatment of these patients did not exceed 2 months, high amputations were not required. In patients of comparison group against the background of traditional local treatment, the wounds healed within 2–4 months; in eight cases, repeated hospitalization was required to perform a plastic closure; in two cases amputation was performed below the knee.
Thus, phototherapy and plastic closure of wounds of the lower extremities after revascularization in isch- emic diabetic foot syndrome is indicated in cases where the wounds have no tendency to spontaneous healing; introduction of the developed tactics of treatment of “problem” wounds of the lower extremities allowed to achieve complete healing in 91.7% of patients, partial (more than 50%) healing in 8.3% of patients and avoid high amputations; the use of a complex of treatment including phototherapy, wound closure with a synthetic coating with platelet growth factor, and the closure of bone defects with implants is an extremely effective stim- ulator of development in the wound of granulation tissue suitable for further autodermoplasty
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