Influence of internal laser therapy at circadian rice of arterial pressure

  • Yevgen Kovalenko
  • Oksana Melekhovets
  • Yurii Melekhovets
Keywords: Аrterial hypertension, circadian rhythm, intravenous laser therapy, daily monitoring of arterial pressure.


Intravenous laser therapy (IVLT) has been used previously in combination with other methods of treating arterial hypertension, but without taking into account the effect of low-intensity laser radiation on daily blood pressure fluctuations (BP). The purpose of this work was to assess the effect of IVLT on the indices of circadian rhythms of blood pressure in patients with arterial hypertension.

In a study on an outpatient appointment of a general practitioner (family medicine) 100 patients — 70 patients with essential hypertension and 30 practically healthy persons were randomly included. Compliance at the end of the study at the expense of reducing the number of patients with hypertension reached 90%, which was 90 people, of which 3 groups of patients were formed for analysis: the 1-st (control) group consisted of 30 practically healthy persons, the 2nd group — from 30 patients with essential hypertension, who, in addition to traditional pharmacological treatment, received an IVLT course; the 3rd group — 30 patients with arterial hypertension, who were only on traditional antihypertensive therapy. The criteria for inclusion in the 2nd and 3rd groups was the presence of essential arterial hypertension and stage I, 1–2 degrees.

In the 1-st and 2-rd groups, an IVLT course was conducted, which consisted of 10 daily procedures, each lasting 15 minutes. After the puncture of the patient’s cubital vein, sterile light fiber was injected into it and connected to the head radiation of the Mustang-2000 apparatus (radiation power — 1.5 mW, wavelength — 635 nm). Daily monitoring of blood pressure by oscillometric method using the apparatus of type ABMP-50 HEACO was performed for 27–29 hours for all patients — at the moment of inclusion in the study and after 2 weeks. The measurement interval was 30 minutes during the active period of the day (from 6:00 to 23:00) and once per hour - in the passive one.

IVRT action causes fluctuations in BP that do not exceed the normal values. 100% of the surveyed 1st group belonged to the type «dipper», which remained unchanged after IVRT course. In patients with essential arterial hypertension, stage I, stage 1–2, prior to treatment, violations of the circadian rhythms of BP were observed in the form of its insuffi ent or excessive nightly decrease (7% and 10% of the number of subjects surveyed, respectively), as well as the nightly increase in BP, which exceeds the daily rates (7% of the surveyed). When conducting pharmacological antihypertensive therapy in 33% of patients in group 3, there is a stabilization of the nightly decrease in BP within the reference values. After the course of IVRT in combination with antihypertensive therapy in patients of the 2nd group, the stabilization of the nightly reduction of BP in the reference values in 85% of patients, which is three times greater than in group 3, is observed. Indicators of the speed of morning increase of systolic and diastolic BP, daily oscillations of systolic BP day and night, daily oscillations of the diastolic blood pressure in the afternoon reached in  the 2nd group up to norm level.

Thus, the use of IVRT in combination with traditional antihypertensive therapy signifi antly aff cts the circadian rhythms of BP, decreasing the speed of morning increasing of the systolic BP elevation, daytime oscillations of systolic BP day and night, daily oscillations of diastolic BP in the daytime compared to patients who was treated only pharmacologically.


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Author Biographies

Yevgen Kovalenko

PhD student, Medical Institute Sumy State University, Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007;

Oksana Melekhovets

PhD in Medical sciences, Assoc. Prof, Medical Institute Sumy State University, Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007;

Yurii Melekhovets

PhD in Medical sciences, Medical Institute Sumy State University, Rimsky-Korsakov Street, 2, Sumy, Ukraine, 40007;


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How to Cite
Kovalenko, Y., Melekhovets, O., & Melekhovets, Y. (2018). Influence of internal laser therapy at circadian rice of arterial pressure. Photobiology and Photomedicine, 14(1, 2), 29-36. Retrieved from
Clinical photomedicine