Clinical efficiency of fermenkol drugs in the complex with phototherapy and compression therapy in prevention of pathological scar formation
In the work there is described the technique of prevention of a pathological scar formation in patients after spontaneous epithelization of levels ІІ a - ІІ b burns in the reconvalescence period with use of an electrophoresis and drug Fermenkol after radiation of affected areas by means of Korobov-Kozyavkin photon device “Barva-FK/200”. Physiotherapy treatment was carried out in a combination with compression linen.
Introduction Modern methods of treating patients with severe thermal trauma have significantly reduced the number of fatal cases, but the problem of fighting keloid scars, which are formed after the surgical recovery of lost skin during the period of reconvalescence, remains a topical medical task.
The purpose of the present work was to investigate the clinical effi of the use of medications of the Fermekol (solution, gel) in combination with phototherapy and compression therapy in order to prevent pathological scar formation in patients with bursts 2a and 2b with spontaneously epithelized wounds in the period of reconvalescence, as well as an assessment of aesthetic and the functional state of patients in the long term.
Materials and methods. Patients of the main group after the spontaneous epithelization of surface and border burns received comprehensive local and physiotherapeutic treatment, the scheme of which was developed and used in the Kharkov city center of thermal injury, reconstructive and plastic surgery. It involves irradiating the damage regions and adjacent tissues by the emission of red and infrared spectrum bands. The irradiation is carried out with the help of Korobov-Koziavkin photon apparatus «Barva-FC / 200». The treatment scheme also involves the use of the drug and the compressor linen.
Results Course use of phototherapy with red and infrared light emitting diodes, electrophoresis with enzymes in combination with compression therapy followed by local use of Fermenkol - gel in the early period of reconvalescence after spontaneous epithelization of surface and border burns has high clinical efficacy. In 85.7% of the observations, positive results have been achieved - restoration of the normal structure and function of the skin in the damage zones.
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