Presentation as a method of displaying an idea

  • Марія Онищенко ДНВП «Картографія», м. Київ
Keywords: computer presentation, visual row, audience


The questions of quality presentations to the scientific lectures are very important and modern. Сomputer presentations help to clearly give the necessary information, to enrich the text, to focus on the essentials. An effect of the performance on the audience is the most important thing in the presentation. The scientific presentation must be logically constructed, consistent, concise and vivid. There is the main rule for successful presentations: to tell the truth as a story with slides (pictures). Creating a presentation requires serious intellectual work and preparation that contains the following steps: 1) to estimate the audience and purpose; 2) to reflect a structure and content; 3) to develop a plan; 4) to write the text and prepare the slides; 5) to rehearse the performance. Slides should supplement or summarize the contents of the speech or its parts, but not duplicate it. Effective use of slides helps us understand that they have the maximum impact on the audience. It should also follow the rules of creating slides. Content of slides must comply with the performance. Information in slides should be presented logically, evenly and dosed. Basic facts and ideas are given in the final part. Students or young scientists should consider the design of the presentation as balanced, contrasting and relevant. Following the laws of composition, color, ergonomics is the required condition to accomplish this task. The presentation is not only the slides, it is the combination of many elements, the foremost of which is the speaker. Any presentation must conform to basic principles of psychology.


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1. Morton, S. (2016). Laboratoriya prezentatsij: formula idealnogo vystupleniya [The Presentation lab: learn the formula behind powerful presentation]. Moskva: Alpina Pablisher, 257.
2. Roem, D. (2015). Govori i pokazyvaj. Kak sdelat vydayushchuyusya prezentatsiyu, ispolzuya vizualnye obrazy [Show and tell: How everybody can make extraordinary presentation]. Moskva: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber, 276.
3. Mehrabian, A. (1995). Relationships among nine general approaches to personality description. Journal of psychology, 129, 565-581.
How to Cite
Онищенко, М. (1). Presentation as a method of displaying an idea. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 43-46. Retrieved from