Basin of the river Oskil as a tourist-recreational area

  • Валентина Клименко Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
  • Тамара Нізамова Харківський національний університет імені В.Н. Каразіна
Keywords: hydrographic characteristics, river basin, tourist and recreational area


At the current stage of Ukraine’s economic development tourism is a priority sector of our country’s economy. Due to the fact that Ukraine has set a high priority goal - to join the European Union, we should pay attention to the conditions of various areas and sectors of our economy, in particular, the quality of tourism services, whether the recreational sector meets European standards. Many economically developed countries make tourism the most important among other sectors to fill the budget and closely monitor the quality of tourist services. Due to the rapid development of the tourism industry in our country the question has arisen as to conformity of recreational facilities conditions with international standards and finding new places of recreation, including water tourism. The aim of the study is to highlight the Oskil River Basin (within Kharkiv region) as a tourist and recreational area and the use of the study materials in the learning process. The article deals with problems of insufficiently studied use of the river Oskil basin both as a tourist, and a recreational area. The hydrographic characteristics of the reservoir have been studied to illustrate the conformity of water objects with the standards and requirements of tourist and recreational activities; methods and techniques of water resources assessment have been analyzed for recreation; the river Oskil (within Ukraine) and Chervono-Oskil reservoir have been assessed on the possibility of tourist-recreational use. The ways to use the study materials in education have been determined. Recreational potential of the river and the reservoir should not be underestimated. Thus, analyzing resources of the Oskil river basin and Chervono-Oskil reservoir in terms of recreation, we can conclude that the water of the river is not equally suitable for recreational purposes. The river basin can be used as an object of beach-bathing leisure, tourist boating and rafting, sport rafting, kayaking and fishing. Basically, this is an independent family holiday on the banks of the river basin and its tributaries. Chervono-Oskil reservoir is a more versatile recreational facility through its morphometric and hydrological parameters. In addition, the tourist infrastructure on the reservoir banks is more developed than on the river Oskil (pensions, recreation centres, clubs-hotels, recreational facilities, children’s summer camps, cafes and restaurants, most of which are located directly on the beach, etc.).


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How to Cite
Клименко, В., & Нізамова, Т. (1). Basin of the river Oskil as a tourist-recreational area. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (26), 28-33. Retrieved from

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