Landscape mapping of national park «Slobozhansky» using mobile, desktop and web applications ArcGIS
In the article we describe a theoretical and practical method of mapping the landscape of the national park «Slobozhansky» and reveal different features using ArcGIS software products at all stages of the study. Specifically, the resources of ArcGIS for Windows Mobile in the field of research have been disclosed. In the course of fieldwork and practical work the students found out that, in addition to the territorial reference points, the software can completely replace paper blank sheets describing landscapes, substantially save the time of field work. The ArcMap tools are used in the conclusion of the landscape maps in laboratory conditions. Method of stacking map is based on the consistent use of Overlay analysis tools: Intersect (for edge detection facies) and Disolve (for the combination of the same type facies) and Field Calculator tool, which allows to combine the attribution information lithogenic base, forms of relief, vegetation and soil in one column (which contains the names of these facies). It is possible to use ArcGIS Online as a platform to store and share data among the experts in various branches of knowledge, and present the results in a landscape multi-scale map. The landscape structure of the area was shown in a major series of scale: the first map shows the project on the scale of 1: 300 000 and 1: 150 000, map of the second level - 1: 150 000 to 1:50 000, and the third level of map - more 1: 50 000. Thus, in the process of research, which included a very significant list of tasks (from multipurpose field research - to dissemination and implementation of the results), new methodological approaches to integrated implementation of GIS tools of various types: mobile, desktop and web application of ArcGIS software were implemented in the landscapes of the National park «Slobozhansky».
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