Tourist atlas of Poltava region

  • Ю. І. Прасул
  • Ю. В. Кіяшко
Keywords: mapping, Tourist Atlas, tourism, Poltava region


The innovative structure of the Atlas based on the approaches adopted to the classification of tourism resources has been proposed. The structure, content and design of Tourist Atlas of Poltava region have been grounded. The features of the Atlas were identified. The proposed Tourist Atlas of Poltava region is the first comprehensive publication on this theme for this territory. The Atlas contains information about the conditions of tourism development, the resource base of green, excursion, special events, therapeutic recreation, and sports tourism in the context of administrative districts of this region.


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4. Програма економічного та соціального розвитку Полтавської області на 2015 рік: [Електрон. ресурс]. – Режим доступу :

5. Суть та класифікація туристичних ресурсів: [Електрон. ресурс]. – Режим доступу:
How to Cite
Прасул, Ю. І., & Кіяшко, Ю. В. (1). Tourist atlas of Poltava region. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (22), 111-115. Retrieved from