Mapping of certain diseases prevalence among the population of Sumy region

  • А. О. Корнус
  • О. Г. Корнус
  • В. Д. Шищук
Keywords: medical-geographical maps, prevalence of diseases, mapping


The article analyzes prevalence of the endocrine system diseases, digestive disorders and metabolic disorders, genitourinary system, diseases of the eye and its adnexa. A number of medical –geographical maps have been drawn, such as «The prevalence of the endocrine system diseases of population of Sumy region», «The prevalence of genitourinary system diseases among the population of Sumy region» and «The prevalence of ophthalmic diseases among the population of Sumy region». Using a cartographic method, administrative districts have been grouped in terms of the spread of the nosology.


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How to Cite
Корнус, А. О., Корнус, О. Г., & Шищук, В. Д. (1). Mapping of certain diseases prevalence among the population of Sumy region. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (22), 78-81. Retrieved from