Mapping of belligerency territories of Kirkuk province

  • Арсалан Омер Абдулкадир
Keywords: belligerency territory, belligerency territory of delayed action, maps of belligerency areas, maps of mined areas


The article discusses the features of belligerency territories mapping on the example of Kirkuk province. It has been established that existing classifications of belligerency territories and landscapes have no identification of mined areas. It is proposed to call in general classification the mined areas the belligerency areas of delayed action. Some examples of Kirkuk province mined areas mapping as well as adjacent provinces of Kurdistan have been considered. Examples of atlas maps of belligerency and mined areas conclusion have been given.


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How to Cite
Омер Абдулкадир, А. (1). Mapping of belligerency territories of Kirkuk province. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (22), 7-9. Retrieved from