Application of MODIS MCD45 data for burned area calculation in boreal zone of the European part of Russia

  • E. V. Konshina
Keywords: forest fires, boreal forest, MODIS MCD45, taiga


Information on burned areas is very useful data for retrospective estimation of the role of forest fires. One of the sources for this information is data obtained from the sensor MODIS. In this research, the data MODIS MCD45 was checked for quality and availability. After the positive results the spatial and temporal analysis of forest fires and burned areas was conducted. The tendency of distribution of forest fires across the boreal zone of the European part of Russia was analyzed. The calculation of burned areas across the regions and landscapes was performed.


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How to Cite
Konshina, E. V. (1). Application of MODIS MCD45 data for burned area calculation in boreal zone of the European part of Russia. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (21), 28-31. Retrieved from