Geography and mass media lessons: touch points in education (case of a travel show)

Keywords: interactive methods, secondary education, mass media products, virtual travel, media literacy


The purpose of this article is to highlight the possibilities of using popular entertainment media in geography lessons in 6-11 grades, in particular, travel shows as one of the elements of innovative technologies.

The main material. The authors consider the essence and methodological principles of using travel shows, in particular, their cognitive fragments, in geography lessons in general secondary education institutions. The article highlights practical recommendations for the use of this type of mass media products in geography lessons, focusing attention on three levels of media literacy skills formation in students and teachers -a user, an analyst, a creator.

In recent years, the Ukrainian school has undergone significant changes related to the uncertainty conditions for the implementation of educational activities, distance- learning features, and the possibility to implement innovative learning technologies. The latter prerequisites contribute to increasing the effectiveness of learning, especially in geography lessons. Media technologies, in particular, mass media products take a noticeable place among them. The involvement of mass media in the teacher’s treasury directs the educational process to the formation of an educated creative personality according to the standards of education. Travel shows help form in students the ideas about the nature, economy, population of a certain area. However, this requires some preparation from teachers. The Department of Physical Geography and Cartography at Kharkiv V.N.Karazin National University has developed a data bank of travel show fragments of different contents and territorial coverage, recommendations for geography teachers to use them in the educational process according to the topics of the curriculum, practical instructions for learning media literacy skills on creative level.

Conclusions and further research. The use of popular entertainment media, in particular, travel shows in geography lessons allows us to stimulate the students’ development and enrich their life experiences. The geography teacher receives a modern teaching tool according to the information age of the society development. Cross-genre travel shows are the most available for this. The use of fragments of the travel show allows us to form the media literacy of students and teachers from the user and analyst levels to the level of creator. The provided recommendations of a didactic, methodical, practical nature will help in this. Further learning of the possibilities to use mass media products such as a travel show in geography lessons is promising from the point of view of its versatility and invaluable educational opportunities with a further transition to the involvement of virtual trips and excursions.


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Author Biographies

Serhiy Kulish, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Doctor of Science (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, Department of Physical Geography and Cartography

Svіtlana Maistro, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

student, Department of Physical Geography and Cartography


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How to Cite
Kulish, S., & Maistro, S. (2023). Geography and mass media lessons: touch points in education (case of a travel show). Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (38), 17-23.