Geography in the context of the New Ukrainian school
The purpose of the article is to study the Geography of the educational field «Natural Science» in the New Ukrainian
Main material. The new Ukrainian school is a supernova phenomenon in the Ukrainian scientific world, which began
its «life» in 2017. It is based on nine components and ten key competencies.
According to the current State standard of basic and complete general secondary education, «Geography» is a component
of the educational fi eld «Natural Science». Its purpose is to form in pupil’s natural science competence as basic and
relevant subject competencies, a mandatory component of the general culture of the individual and development of his
creative potential. Geography, in the vision of the New Ukrainian School, is knowledge of the natural fi eld of education. Its
purpose is to form the personality of a pupil who knows and understands the basic laws of animate and inanimate nature,
has certain skills of its research, shows curiosity, realizes the integrity of natural-scientific picture of the world. The pupil
is able to assess the impact of natural sciences, machinery and technology on the sustainable development of society and
possible consequences of human activities in nature, responsibly interacts with the natural environment. The geographical
component involves formation of basic knowledge on the following issues: geography as a science; the role of geographical
education in human life; Land on a map; geographic information systems. Moreover, there are other components as well:
Earth as a geosystem, levels of geosystems; geographical consequences of parameters and movements of the Earth; geo-
graphical shell; anthroposphere; relationship of processes in the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, natural
complexes; resource potential of the Earth’s crust, modern aspects of its use; global problems of humanity.
Conclusions and further research. A comparison of the geographical component content of the educational fi eld
«Natural Science» in accordance with the current State Standard of Basic and Complete General Secondary Education
(2011) and the State Standard of Basic Secondary Education adopted in 2020 shows that the new document contains a
much narrower content of modern geographical science. In particular, the geographical component does not provide for
the formation of pupils’ basic knowledge on important issues of regional physical and social geography. Further research
aims to build and justify the optimal model of the pupils’ geographical competence of a modern institution of general
secondary education.
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