Creation of geographical knowledge at profile school

Keywords: profile school, geographical knowledge, geography teaching methods, competence, training situation


The purpose of this article is to show the peculiarities of geographical knowledge creation in a profile school with further formation of pupils’ competences of educational activities.

Main material. Modern information society places high demands on the person, who needs to be ready for constant change, development, competition in all spheres of activity, determined by the interaction of the person and the social environment in rapidly changing conditions.

Profile training is aimed at educating high school students at general education schools, taking into account their individual capabilities, their socialization in accordance with the requirements of the labour market, and presents a system of profiles with organizations from primary to higher vocational training.

Gradual formation of the profile school allows us to create conditions for differentiation of the educational content, individual educational programs. It carries out in-depth study of subjects, creating equal educational conditions for different categories of pupils, their further socialization and restoring connection between general and professional education.

Geographical knowledge encompasses biological, geological, meteorological, economic, social, political sciences and is of integrating importance. Geography can, therefore, act in different profiles as both basic and optional discipline. Specialized training in geography represents the study of cycles of subjects that complement each other in content, types of activities, are studied both at the general educational level and at the in-depth, optional level.

Conclusions. Analysis of the world experience in the organization of geographical education indicates different approaches in its implementation. Acquisition of geographical knowledge in the case of Australia takes place through the study of natural components and global transformations. A geography course in the USA introduces school pupils to the world through the interpretation of knowledge about natural, economical features of different regions of the world. Geographical education in England is a basic subject of learning that allows pupils to gain information about nature, society, resources to form competences of geographical knowledge, approaches, concepts and analysis skills. In Ukraine, geographical education is part of a system of basic subjects that form a holistic picture of the surrounding world through generalizations and systematization of knowledge, formation of geographical thinking, ability to use different methods of information analysis.

It is emphasized that the main task of profile education is formation of specialized preparation (profile training) in the upper grades of general education, which is guided by individual training and socialization of pupils.


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Author Biographies

Svitlana Ivanivna Reshetchenko, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Candidate of Sciences (Geography), Associate Professor

Inna Mykolayivna Slashchova, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Magister of Geography


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How to Cite
Reshetchenko, S. I., & Slashchova, I. M. (2020). Creation of geographical knowledge at profile school. Problems of Continuous Geographic Education and Cartography, (31), 60-67.