• N. I. Yabluchansky
  • N. V. Makienko
  • L. A. Martimyanova
  • N. V. Lysenko
  • O. Yu. Bychkova


The study examined the development of historical understanding of the origins of one strategy for athero­sclerosis and hypertension in adults. It is shown that the last are based on a single target, in many ways on a unique nature and violation mechanisms on a local and systemic levels, which involve cholesterin meta­bo­lism, nervous regulation and generated and modified chronic inflammation.




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Як цитувати
Yabluchansky, N. I., Makienko, N. V., Martimyanova, L. A., Lysenko, N. V., & Bychkova, O. Y. (1). THE ORIGINS OF ONE COMMON STRATEGY FOR ATHEROSCLEROSIS AND HYPERTENSION. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (22), 7-16. вилучено із
Philosophy of Medicine

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