• I. V. Soldatenko
  • N. V. Lysenko
Keywords: hypertension, osteoarthritis, control, blood pressure, prognosis


Were observed 98 patients with arterial hypertension (AH) aged 59±11 years, 45 of them with comorbid with osteoarthritis (OA) and 53 – with isolated AH (control group – IAH). Prognostic significance of clinical symptoms and heart rate variability (HRV) in assessment of the effectiveness of control comorbid with OA and IAH was determined retrospectively after drug therapy via step discriminant analysis with the calculation of the Fisher criterion (F) values for patient age, systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure, AH de­gree, congestive heart failure functional class (CHF FC), total power (TP) and the ratio of low and high fre­quencies HRV powers (LF/HF). Also was calculated the range of discriminant function values in selected groups of patients AH+OA and IAH, and were determined the regression coefficients for each statistically significant index with construction of the discriminant function to predict therapy effectiveness. It was deter­mined that among the all of the studied clinical signs and HRV in the patients age, SBP and DBP, AH de­grees, CHF FK, TP, and the LF/HF ratio statistically significant criterions of effective control of AH in pa­tients AH+OA were their age and the LF/HF ratio and for patients IAH – DBP.


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How to Cite
Soldatenko, I. V., & Lysenko, N. V. (1). PROGNOSTIC SIGNIFICANCE CRITERIA IN ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CONTROL COMORBID WITH OSTEOARTHRITIS ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION. The Journal of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Medicine", (20), 60-64. Retrieved from
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