• S. А. S. Belal
  • A. L. Kulik
  • A. V. Martynenko
  • M. I. Yabluchanskiy


On 14 healthy volunteers (6 men and 8 women) aged from 21 to 27 years the effectiveness of biofeedback in the loop of paced breathing and heart rate variability (HRV) parameters in different race groups was examined. All volunteers were divided into 2 groups comparable in age and sex: 1 — representatives of the South Europeoid race, 2 — representatives of the Medium Europeoid race. Each volunteer underwent 7 bio­feedback sessions in the studied loop. It was found that in the beginning in representatives of the South Europeoid race biofeedback quality index was lower than that in representatives of the Medium Europeoid race, but both of them was located in the suboptimal zone. Biofeedback in the loop of paced breathing and HRV parameters has the same positive effect on the representatives of both races, that allows to recommend it for correction of regulation balance in each of them.




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Як цитувати
BelalS. А. S., Kulik, A. L., Martynenko, A. V., & Yabluchanskiy, M. I. (1). BIOFEEDBACK QUALITY IN THE LOOP OF PACED BREATHING AND HEART RATE VARIABILITY PARAMETERS IN HEALTHY VOLUNTEERS OF DIFFERENT RACE. Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Медицина», (24), 13-17. вилучено із
Clinical Research

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