Program to ensure financial security of enterprises defense industrial complex

Keywords: financial security, financial risk, preventive programme, risk protection programme, recovery and development programme, crisis management programme


Ukraine has a window of opportunity to restore the state of its defence industry on a qualitatively new basis, to provide the Armed Forces with high-tech weapons and technologies in accordance with NATO requirements. This is possible due to: the scale of Western partners' supply of modern high-tech weapons; establishing bilateral partnerships with NATO countries, the United States, the United Kingdom and individual European countries to ensure effective technology transfer; the interest of foreign investors in establishing joint ventures with Ukraine to produce high-tech weapons and military equipment; access to modern defence technologies; training of military leadership personnel in accordance with NATO requirements, gaining unique experience by the military in accordance with NATO standards.

The subject of research in the article is theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of a programme for ensuring the financial security of enterprises.

The article is aimed at developing a scientific and methodological approach to the formation of a program for ensuring the financial security of enterprises of the military-industrial complex.

The article uses a set of methods of scientific cognition that ensures the conceptual unity of the study. The methodological basis is the resource and functional approaches to the study of economic processes and phenomena, as well as the fundamental provisions of the theory of finance and probability theory and mathematical statistics.

The method of adaptive forecasting is used to develop a scientific and methodological approach to the formation of a programme for ensuring the financial security of enterprises of the defence industry.

The following results were obtained. The following results are obtained: The major threats of the external environment that may negatively affect the implementation of the programme for ensuring the financial security of enterprises in the future include: the risk of reducing the number of skilled workers, the risk of reduced demand for products, the risk of reducing the competitive position of enterprises in the domestic and foreign markets, the risk of a high level of tax burden.


Author Biographies

Kateryna Oriekhova , V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Banking Business and Financial Technologies

Pavel Gayda , Sumy State University

PhD (in Military Science), Associate Professor of Military Training Department, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
Oriekhova , K., & Gayda , P. (2024). Program to ensure financial security of enterprises defense industrial complex. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 2(13), 33-45.
Finance, accounting, audit and taxation