Financial institutions security on the business services market

Keywords: financial institutions security, financial transactions security, credit operations security, security of securities transactions, investment operations security, security analysis, security management


The system of guaranteeing the financial institutions security has been improved. Security management of a financial institution is the influence of management on the institution's activities in order to ensure security - such a state of the institution's functioning under which it will work stably, achieve its goals and effectively counter threats. Transactions whose safety is investigated are credit transactions, securities transactions, and investment transactions.

The security stages of the credit process are demarcated: 1) preliminary аnalysis of the borrower; 2) documentation and issuance of the loan; 3) loan support; 4) encouraging loan repayment. A list of safety measures is given at each stage.

The main reasons for non-repayment of loans are: 1) unsatisfactory moral characteristics of the borrower when he does not want to repay the loan; 2) inability of the borrower to earn enough funds for timely loan repayment; 3) the creditor's lack of loan repayment guarantees.

The main security aspects of the analysis of transactions with securities are the verification of: ownership rights to securities; profitability, liquidity of securities; financial and property status of the issuer; solvency and reputation of all securities obligors; in whom and to what extent own securities are concentrated; refusal to purchase the issuer's securities.

In investment operations, 5 groups of security requirements have been formed: 1) find out about the reputation of the persons on whom the success of the investment agreement depends; 2) learn about all the risks associated with the investment object; 3) adhere to diversification when investing; 4) do not take risks, the magnitude of which you cannot estimate, and which you do not know how to limit; 5) it is especially prudent to consider investment objects that look too attractive or for which there are other caveats - they should be avoided.


Author Biographies

Andrii Faliuta , Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Banking and Insurance Business Department

Andriy Kovalyuk , Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,  Associate Professor of the Banking and Insurance Business Department

Olesya Irshak , Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Banking and Insurance Business Department


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How to Cite
Faliuta , A., Kovalyuk , A., & Irshak , O. (2024). Financial institutions security on the business services market. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 2(13), 57-67.
Finance, accounting, audit and taxation