Problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the toolkit of social policy of Ukraine in the conditions of war

Keywords: social policy effectiveness, social policy toolkit, support for IDPs, basic social benefits, international donors, codification of legislation, optimization of benefits, protection of children's rights, persons with disabilities, digitalization, decent life, pension system, reform of the legal field, international support, post-war recovery


The social policy of Ukraine today needs effective and decisive actions and effective tools to solve urgent issues and ensure strategic social development in the conditions of recovery

The article examines the issue of ensuring the effectiveness of the toolkit of social policy of Ukraine in three key areas: codification and updating of social legislation, identified priority tasks (optimization of payments, protection of children's rights, support of persons with disabilities, development of social services, digitalization, ensuring a dignified life for the elderly ), as well as European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

The main identified problems include insufficient initiative in reforming the legal field, reduction of social policy expenditures, low level of social assistance and living wage, the need to encourage employers to hire persons with disabilities, the need for retraining and retraining of IDPs and persons with disabilities, attracting international support in the matter the return of deported children, revision of the adoption procedure, development of digital social services and the critical need to reform the pension system.Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of social policy include optimization of payments, support of existing social protection programs, development of incentives for the return of migrants, strengthening of digitalization, implementation of EISSS, development of tools for employment of persons with disabilities, resolution of adoption problems and introduction of retraining programs for IDPs and persons with disabilities. The study emphasizes the need for a strategic vision of pension reform and further research on reforming the social sphere of Ukraine to ensure the social prerequisites for post-war recovery.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the current problems of the social sphere development and to substantiate the directions of its analysis. The article analyses the standard of living of the population in the conditions of war, identifies current problems of development of the social sphere of Ukraine, and describes the priority areas of analysis of the social sphere. The article analyses statistical sources of the Ministry of Social Policy, the State Statistics Service, and the Pension Fund of Ukraine. The study used analytical and statistical-mathematical methods, the method of deduction in identifying development problems and systematisation and generalisation in identifying areas of analysis of the social sphere.

Among the priority areas of analysis of the social sphere of Ukraine are the analysis of the standard of living of the population, analysis of GDP per capita and comparison of dynamics with other countries, analysis of access to education and medicine, analysis of employment and the labour market, assessment of social inclusion, analysis of socio-cultural development as part of the social life of citizens.


Author Biography

Iryna Verkhovod, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Verkhovod, I. (2024). Problems of ensuring the effectiveness of the toolkit of social policy of Ukraine in the conditions of war. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 2(13), 155-167.
Management of financial and credit systems and the socio-humanitarian component