Revenue management: changes in the analytical landscape of the enterprise through improving the organization of accounting and analysis

Keywords: management, income, accounting and analytical information, key performance indicators


Income management is an important concept in the system of managing the financial and economic activities of an enterprise. A solid revenue management strategy requires the use of analytics and available data to forecast product demand, make strategic pricing decisions, and maximize revenue.

The article examines the dynamics of the income structure of enterprises and presents a sectoral analysis of companies according to the sectoral distribution of the market environment. The main trends are established and the main problems of the company's income management arising in conditions of uncertainty and risks are outlined. The paper presents the role of income in the management system of the enterprise, which directly affects the efficiency of the process of managing the economic activity of the enterprise.

In the course of the study, ways of improving the formation and use of accounting and analytical information about the company's income for management purposes were proposed. The scheme of the organization of income analysis for the formation of analytical information is presented. Reasonable importance of management reporting, which is intended to provide understanding, clarity and direction of management activities. When considering the content of the management report, we recommend taking into account visualization forms and design layouts. The KPI dashboard is a visual tool that provides a centralized view of various data sources for effective tracking and optimization of goals. With the help of indicators and KPIs, companies can get an overview of their performance at an operational or strategic level.


Author Biographies

Natalіa Іershova , National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Accounting and Finance

Li Hongwei, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Second-level student of higher education Department of Management, Business and Professional Communications


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How to Cite
Іershova N., & Hongwei, L. (2023). Revenue management: changes in the analytical landscape of the enterprise through improving the organization of accounting and analysis. FINANCIAL AND CREDIT SYSTEMS: PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT, 4(11), 25-32.
Finance, accounting, audit and taxation