The article emphasizes the importance of analytics in the effective organization of bank loan operations. The purpose of the article is to determine the range of problems currently faced by analysts of loan departments of Ukrainian banks, highlighting urgent issues related to the economic crisis caused by the war, and to outline ways to solve them using the latest and modern methods.
The article proves that the organization of effective analytical support of loan transactions is extremely important both for the bank and its borrowers, and for the state as a whole. However, there are a number of problems that prevent its effective development. Among the main ones, there are such issues as processing a large number of arrays of data on customers and their financial transactions as well as the low quality of such data; structuring of data from separate isolated databases, which complicates the process of their analysis and processing; need for complying with regulatory requirements and standards; deterioration in the quality of analytics due to the increased speed of response to requests for loan, etc.
The article reveals the problems of analytical support for bank loan operations, which become relevant during the law and the economic crisis. These are an increase in the risk of loan defaults, excessive regulatory intervention, changes in market conditions and technologies, a decrease in the liquidity of the banking system, insufficient information about the client, excessive reliance on “historical” data and the rise of fraud.
The study proposes means of solving the outlined problems, the general directions of which are risk-orientation, interaction with clients, internal communications and technology development. Attention is focused on the need for banks to improve their analytical tools using the latest technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies, tools for real-time analytics, Big Data technologies, analytical robots and dashboards. The use of the specified methods will allow banks to organize proper analytical support for loan operations and will enable effective management decisions to be made quickly.
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