Keywords: sustainable development, sustainable innovative development, regional economy, crisis, development strategy, priorities, threats


The article is devoted to the analysis and generalization of the impact of crisis phenomena on the development of the regional economy, using the example of the current stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine, and the substantiation of the methodological principles and priorities of the development of the economy of the regions of the state in crisis conditions. The urgency of the problems of forming the priorities of anti-crisis management at the regional level has been proven. The principles and functions of the development of the regional economy in crisis conditions are substantiated, and the main problems that need to be solved are outlined. The regional economy can be interpreted as a system functioning in conditions of instability. In this case, the direction of the system's functioning in crisis conditions will be determined by the level and nature of threats, as well as the specifics of the internal structure of such a system and the stability of its individual components. Four priorities of the post-crisis development of regional socio-economic systems of Ukraine are summarized - guaranteeing security; quick recovery of business activity; preservation of horizontal connections between subjects of economic activity and components of economic systems at different levels; diversification of economic activity in the context of implementing the provisions of sustainable development and taking into account the priority of security. The concept of economic security of the state based on innovative sustainable development of regions is considered as the basis of the paradigm of modern anti-crisis management of the country's economy. The need to develop a unified state strategy based on the use of the provisions of the theory of security and the theory of crises, the principles of harmonious and innovative development of regions in the conditions of technoglobalism is substantiated.


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Author Biographies

Natalia Gavkalova, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznetsa

doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Public Administration and Regional Policy

Yulia Kyrychenko, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznetsa

Postgraduate student of the department of public administration, public administration and regional politics

Alina Zilinska, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznetsa

PhD in public management and administration


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How to Cite
Gavkalova, N., Kyrychenko, Y., & Zilinska, A. (2022). STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF TERRITORY DEVELOPMENT IN CRISIS CONDITIONS. Financial and Credit Systems: Prospects for Development, 4(7), 38-44.
Modern macroeconomic trends and tendencies