Information For Authors

The Journal is part of the Web of Science Core Collection (ESCI) scientometric platform and indexed by SCOPUS.

SCImago Journal & Country Rank

23rd percentile
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You may submit your manuscript as a Word, PDF, or LaTex file for the refereeing process. However, when your paper is at the revision stage, you will be requested to put your paper into a 'correct format' for acceptance and provide the items required to publish your article.

LaTex template. Please use TexStudio.

Rules for Authors 2024

Deadline for submitting articles:

No.1 - January 1. (Online publication in early March)

No.2 - April 1. (Online publication in early June)

No.3 - July 1. (Online publication in early September)

No.4 - October 1. (Online publication in early December)


The article processing fee is $150.