Enhancement of the TPD/AgO NPs Hybrid Photodetector by Adding PEDOT PSS

Keywords: Characteristics, Photocurrent Gain, Hall Effect, The specific detectivity, Response time


A photodetector was prepared by fusing AgO nanoparticles with a TPD polymer and depositing a TPD:AgO mixture on PS substrates using a spin coating technique. The response time of the synthesized (PSi/TPD:AgO) detector (by using a tungsten lamp with a 250 W/cm2) and its value (0.35 s) were measured in seconds. The detection, specificity, and photoresponse were (6.23 x 108 W-1, 3.611 x 108 W-1Hz1/2cm, and 19.072 x 10-3 A/W). Hall measurements show that n-type nanoparticles have a carrier concentration of about (-1.15 x 1017 cm−3).With the addition of PEDOTPSS material, the detection, specificity, optical response, and detector response time were improved to (80.06 x 108 W-1, 46.4 x 108 W-1Hz1/2 cm, 2019.48 x 10-3 A/W, and 5.3 ms), respectively.



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How to Cite
Majid J., S., & Adnan, O. (2023). Enhancement of the TPD/AgO NPs Hybrid Photodetector by Adding PEDOT PSS. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 246-251. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2023-1-33