Electronic Chips Acting as Capacitors or Inductors when Laser Act as Information Transmitter

  • Mashair Ahmed Mohammed Yousef Department of Physics, College of Khurma University College, Taif University, Saudi Arabia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5641-4849
  • Abdullah Saad Alsubaie Department of Physics, College of Khurma University College, Taif University, Saudi Arabia
  • Zoalnoon Ahmed Abeid Allah Saad Departmentof Physics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dhahran Aljanoub, King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6722-7061
  • Mubarak Dirar Abd-Alla Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2036-320X
Keywords: laser, chip, capacitor, inductor, resistor


To increase the speed of information flow and storage capacity in electronic devices laser can be used to carry information instead of electric current. Since the photon is faster than electrons, one expects information to be transmitted very fast through the internet when photons replace electrons. This requires searching for chips that act as capacitors, inductors or resistors. To do this Maxwell's equation for the electric field intensity beside the electron equation of motion were used. The electron is assumed to vibrate naturally inside a frictional medium in the presence of a local electric and magnetic fields. These equations have been used to find a useful expression for the absorption coefficient. The absorption coefficient was found to be dependent on the laser and natural frequencies beside the coefficient of friction in addition to the internal electric and magnetic fields. These parameters can be fine-tuned to make the chip act as a capacitor, inductor or resistor. The laser intensity decreases when the absorption coefficient inecreases. Thus, the absorption coefficient acts as an electic resistor. Therefore, if the absorption coefficient inecreases upon decreasing the frequency the chip acts as a capacitor. But when the absorption coefficient inecreases when the laser frequency inreases the chip acts as an inductor. In the case that the absorption coefficient inecreases with the concentration of the carriers it acts in this situation as a resistor. For magnetic materials with magnetic flux density that cancels the frictional force, when the laser frequency is equal nearly to the atom’s natural frequency the material acts as an inductor. But when the frictional force is low with the internal and external electric fields in phase, the material acts as a capacitor. However, it acts as a resistor for negligible natural frequency, when no electric dipoles exist and when the internal magnetic field force balance the frictional force.


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How to Cite
Yousef, M. A. M., Alsubaie, A. S., Saad, Z. A. A. A., & Abd-Alla, M. D. (2022). Electronic Chips Acting as Capacitors or Inductors when Laser Act as Information Transmitter. East European Journal of Physics, (2), 141-152. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2022-2-18