It Should Be Remembered Before Peter Kapitsa Our Laboratory Was the First and sole in the USSR

  • Alla Tan'shyna National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: L.D. Landau, L.V. Shubnikov, low temperature laboratory


"If I were offered to declare the names of only two physicists who were most famous in Ukrainian science, I would call the theorist L.D. Landau and experimenter L.V. Shubnikov"

Academician of NAS of Ukraine OI Akhiezer


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I.M. Dmitrenko, К 90-летнему юбилею Бориса Георгиевича Лазарева [On the 90th anniversary of Boris Georgievich Lazarev], Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 22, 1996. (in Russian)

B.G. Lazarev, К истории криогенной лаборатории УФТИ–ННЦ «ХФТИ» [To the history of the cryogenic laboratory UFTI – NSC “KIPT”], Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 26, 2000. (in Russian)


"We must remember that before the appearance of Peter Kapitsa, we were the first and only laboratory in the USSR ..."
(2020) East European Journal of Physics

How to Cite
Tan’shyna, A. (2019). It Should Be Remembered Before Peter Kapitsa Our Laboratory Was the First and sole in the USSR. East European Journal of Physics, (4), 95-100.
History of Science