Structure and Coagulation of Disperse Oxide Inclusions in the Alpha-Iron

  • Valeriy Kirichenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • V. Leonov V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine
Keywords: iron, nanoparticles, oxide, yttrium, structure, phase composition, coagulation


The results of studying the structure and phase composition of dispersed oxide inclusions of particles and coagulation of yttrium, aluminum, zirconium particles oxides, in a model system based on carbonyl iron. The observed oxide particles distributed in size over a wide range and elemental analysis of the cross section of yttrium oxide particles gives Y2O2,73. The resulting distribution of elements and the concentration gradient over the cross section of complex oxide possible to determine the nature of the agglomeration of particles in a metal matrix.


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How to Cite
Kirichenko, V., & Leonov, V. (2012). Structure and Coagulation of Disperse Oxide Inclusions in the Alpha-Iron. East European Journal of Physics, (991(1), 86-89. Retrieved from