Acoustic emission effects at a plastic strain of steels in a magnetic field

  • Igor Papirov National Science Centre Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
  • Petr Stoev National Science Centre Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology
Keywords: acoustic emission, plastic deformation, magnetic field, acoustic emission effects


The features of the behavior of the parameters of acoustic emission during plastic deformation of steel 3 and 1Х18Н9T in a magnetic field was studied. For the first time new effects of acoustic emission which are provoked by magnetic field influence are found. In the case of steel Cт3 application of a magnetic field in the process of deformation of the samples results in significant changes in the spectrum of the amplitudes of signals  acoustic emission and the elimination of tooth strength. On a maximum the curve of activity of acoustic emission in the field of strains corresponding to the beginning of flow of a metal, the magnetic field leads to activation of smaller dislocation ensembles with low amplitudes and a substantial reduction of role of large-size dislocation ensembles with high amplitude. The deformation in the magnetic field of austenitic steel 1Х18Н9T leads to additional generation of acoustic signals, the formation of inflection on the curve of common sum of pulses associated with the α-martensitic transformation, and a significant change of spectrum of signals acoustic emission at test in magnetic field and when the field is absent. The results indicate that the main cause of the influence of magnetic field on the plastic deformation of the tested steels is not to change the parameters of thermal activation of plastic flow, and a significant restructuring of dislocation ensembles participating in the process.


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How to Cite
Papirov, I., & Stoev, P. (2013). Acoustic emission effects at a plastic strain of steels in a magnetic field. East European Journal of Physics, (1069(4), 66-74. Retrieved from