• M. I. Kopp Institute for Single Cristals, Nat. Academy of Science Ukraine,Lenine Ave.60, Kharkov 31001,Ukraine
  • A. V. Tur Universite Toulouse [UPS], CNRS, Institute of Research for Astrophysics and Planetology 9 avenue du Colonel Roche, BP 44346, 31028 Toulouse Cedex 4, France
  • V. V. Yanovsky Institute for Single Cristals, Nat. Academy of Science Ukraine, Lenine Ave.60, Kharkov 31001,Ukraine V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National UniversitySq. Svobody 4, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine
Keywords: equations of magnetohydrodynamics, Coriolis force, multiscale asymptotic expansions, small-scale turbulence, α- effect, spiral kinks


We found a new large-scale instability, which arises in the rotating conductive fluid with small-scale turbulence. Turbulence is generated by small-scale external force with a low Reynolds number. The theory is built simply by the method of multiscale asymptotic expansions. Nonlinear equations for vortex and magnetic perturbations obtained in the third order for small Reynolds number. It is shown that the combined effects of the Coriolis force and the small external forces in a rotating conducting fluid possible large-scale instability. The large-scale increments of the instability, correspond to generation as the vortex and magnetic disturbances. This type of instability is classified as hydrodynamic and MHD alpha-effect. We studied the stationary regimes of nonlinear equations of magneto-vortex dynamo. In the limit of weakly conducting fluid found stationary solutions in the form of helical kinks. In the limit of high conductivity fluid was obtained stationary solutions in the form of nonlinear periodic waves and kinks.


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How to Cite
Kopp, M. I., Tur, A. V., & Yanovsky, V. V. (2017). NONLINEAR DYNAMO IN A ROTATING ELECTRICALLY CONDUCTING FLUID. East European Journal of Physics, 4(1), 4-27.