Multilayer WNbN/WNbC, WN/WC and NbN/NbC Coatings: Vacuum-Arc Deposition Strategy and Microstructure Assessment

Keywords: Ceramic coatings, Tungsten nitride, Tungsten carbide, Niobium nitride, Niobium carbide, Vacuum-arc, Microstructure


Reactive gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon-based gases (e.g., acetylene) are introduced into the generated plasma flow to create coatings with chemical compounds including nitrides, oxides, and carbides. By managing the rate of gas addition, the stoichiometric composition of the material, which influences its crystal structure and range of properties, can be controlled. In light of this, the vacuum-arc PVD technique was utilised to deposit carbide/nitride multilayer coatings based on W and Nb in a dynamically changing atmosphere of nitrogen and acetylene gases. The two-channel control device – “evaporator-injector” – was employed to control the functions of vacuum-arc evaporators and the gas introduction ports in the vacuum chamber of the installation. The material of the substrates for the deposition of coatings was corrosion-resistant high-temperature steel (grade 12X18H9T). The W (99.97 wt.%) and Nb (98.2 wt.%) cathodes were produced through mechanical boring of ingots made from the respective metals obtained via electron beam re-melting. The present work reports on the deposition strategy of vacuum-arc multilayer WNbN/WNbC, WN/WC, and NbN/NbC coatings with nanometre layer thicknesses and a preliminary assessment of their microstructure. The multilayer systems presented have yet to be studied and hold considerable scientific interest regarding synthesis and experimental investigation.



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How to Cite
Maksakova, O., Beresnev, V., Lytovchenko, S., Horokh, D., Mazilin, B., Afanasieva, I., Čaplovičova, M., Sahul, M., & Stolbovoy, V. (2025). Multilayer WNbN/WNbC, WN/WC and NbN/NbC Coatings: Vacuum-Arc Deposition Strategy and Microstructure Assessment. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 396-402.

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