Effect of Impurity and Radiation Defects on Anisotropy of Yb-Doped GaS Single Crystal

  • R.S. Madatov Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, B. Vagabzadeh street 9, АZ 1143, Baku, Azerbaijan; Department of Applied and General Physics, National Aviation Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2420-2654
  • T.B. Tagiev Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan https://orcid.org/0009-0009-9890-8554
  • A.Sh. Khaligzadeh Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan https://orcid.org/0009-0001-6325-0440
  • R.M. Mamishova Institute of Radiation Problems, Ministry of Science and Education Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan; cAzerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Baku, Azerbaijan https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1760-8384
Keywords: Anisotropy, Defects, Impurity atom, Electrical conductivity, Activation, Thermal annealing


The effect of γ-quanta on the anisotropy of GaS layered single crystal, pure and alloyed with 0.1at% Yb, has been studied at a temperature range of 125-300K. Since the difference between the ionic radius of the Yb-atom and the ionic radius of the component atoms is relatively small when the studied GaS monocrystal is added with itterbium ions, the additive atom is likely to be located both inside the layers (replacing the Ga atom or between nodes) and in interlayer space. The location of impurity atoms and radiation defects in the interlayer region of the layered GaS (Yb) crystal weakens the anisotropic properties of the crystals, and the location inside the layer strengthens them. The mechanism of current flow in high electric fields follows the Frenkel model, regardless of the nature of the impurity atom.



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How to Cite
Madatov, R., Tagiev, T., Khaligzadeh, A., & Mamishova, R. (2025). Effect of Impurity and Radiation Defects on Anisotropy of Yb-Doped GaS Single Crystal. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 240-244. https://doi.org/10.26565/2312-4334-2025-1-25