Accelerating the Cosmological Model with Zero-Mass Scalar Field in Lyra’s Geometry

Keywords: Accelerating, Cosmology, Lyra's geometry


Examining Bianchi's type-III cosmological model involves incorporating a zero-mass scalar field in the context of Lyra's geometry. The source of energy-momentum tensor is supposed to be a bulk viscous fluid. A barotropic equation of state is applied to characterize the Pressure and density, seeking a specific solution to the field equations. This solution is derived using the distinctive variation principle for Hubble's parameter proposed by [M.S. Berman, Il Nuovo Cimento B, 74, 182 (1983)]. The ensuing analysis delves into the physical properties inherent in this model.



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How to Cite
Santhikumar, R., Krishna, M., & Babu, K. S. (2025). Accelerating the Cosmological Model with Zero-Mass Scalar Field in Lyra’s Geometry. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 20-28.