Morphological Studies of (Ge2)1-X(ZnSe)X Solid Solutions

  • A.Sh. Razzokov Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan
  • A.S. Saidov Physical-Technical Institute NPO “Physics-Sun of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • M.A. Shonazarova Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
  • J.A. Razzakov Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan
  • D.E. Koshchanova Urgench State University, Urgench, Uzbekistan
Keywords: Epitaxial layer, Heterostructure, Solid solution, Dislocation, Single-crystal


Single-crystal films of the (Ge2)1-x(ZnSe)x solid solution from a limited tin solution-melt in the temperature range from 1023 K to 803 K at a cooling rate of 1-1.5 K/min on an EPOC installation were grown on Ge substrates and GaAs. The gap between the substrates was 0.65÷1.2 mm. It was established that the lowest values of dislocation density (ND=2·104÷105 cm-2) were recorded in epitaxial films at TNC = 893 K. Technological conditions for obtaining GaAs- (Ge2)1-x(ZnSe)x heterostructure with a smooth boundary have been achieved. Film substrate and the supercooling temperature was ΔT = 7.2°C.



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How to Cite
Razzokov, A., Saidov, A., Shonazarova, M., Razzakov, J., & Koshchanova, D. (2025). Morphological Studies of (Ge2)1-X(ZnSe)X Solid Solutions. East European Journal of Physics, (1), 256-259.