Cosmic Evolution in a Bianchi type-V Universe with Barrow Holographic Dark Energy with Granda-Oliveros Length Scale as IR Cutoff

Keywords: Cosmic accerleration, Barrow holographic dark energy, Bianchi type-V, Cold dark matter, Deceleration parameter, Equation of state parameter


In this work, we construct a spatially homogeneous and anisotropic Bianchi type-V cosmological model with a hybrid expansion law by considering the universe to be filled with cold dark matter and non-interacting Barrow holographic dark energy with Granda-Oliveros length scale as IR cutoff. The physical and kinematical characteristics of the resulting model are discussed by studying the evolution of various parameters of cosmological importance such as the Hubble parameter, the deceleration parameter, the anisotropic parameter, the equation of state parameter, jerk parameter etc. We also examine whether the energy conditions are satisfied or violated. Our analysis reveals that the Null,Weak, and Dominant energy conditions are fullfilled, while the Strong Energy Condition is violated, which supports the accelerated expansion of the universe. Statefinder diagnostics have also been performed based on recent cosmological observations in order to compare our model with different dark energy cosmological scenario. Additionally, we establish the correspondence between the quintessence scalar field and the Barrow holographic dark energy model,  supporting our description of the universe’s accelerated expansion.


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How to Cite
Mahanta, R., Mahanta, C. R., & Medhi, J. P. (2024). Cosmic Evolution in a Bianchi type-V Universe with Barrow Holographic Dark Energy with Granda-Oliveros Length Scale as IR Cutoff. East European Journal of Physics, (3), 56-70.